With each passing day reality is sinking in... millions of innocent, weak and disenfranchised peoples throughout the Middle East are in danger of being completely exterminated and erased from existence. Christian peoples, as well as those of many religious faiths are being targeted in cruel and appalling ways as never before. Fifteen years ago there were over one million followers of Jesus the Messiah in Iraq alone; today that number has fallen to 250,000 by some estimates. Less than a hundred years ago 30% of Syria was Christian; today less than 10%. Refugee and IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) have reached mammoth proportions. What are you and I going to do about this? We must first get beyond our daily comforts and get serious about prayer. We must 'learn' and become better educated about the plight of our brothers and sisters, voicing our concerns at local, national and international levels. And we must be willing to 'go' and lend a hand to all peoples if able, loving them all, showing no favoritism. Take a look at this powerful speech recently given before the UN by Jonathan Cahn:
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